Basic Training – Switching Operarations 1 to 30 kV

Target audience:
This training is for operating engineers, master electrician, electrical engineers, employees of power supply companies, municipal utulities, maintenance work and service work on transformer stations who shall become switching operator.
Requirements for this seminar:
- electrically skilled person pursuant to BGV A3
- health wise and personnel-wise qualified
- proof of first-aid training
3 Days
According to BGV A1, BGV A3 and VDE-0105 (EN 50110) you learn the 5 safety rules which are basing on practical switching programs to make and secure the volt-free condition including to set under voltage after completion of work.
- requirements for operators
- duties of the operator
- legal basics
- personal protection, installations and PPE
- grid structures (radial system, ring system, meshed system)
- utilities e.g. circuit breaker, earth fault breaker, power switch, fuses, transformers, transducer
- types of errors e.g. short-circuit, earth fault at different neutral point connections
- protection technology: earthing of installations, protection against contact, against over-voltage,
earth fault, over-current, short-circuit current - switching assessment, switching commands, realisation of switch actions
- definitions e.g. written approval, permission of disposal
- basic circuit for line breakers and transformer branches as welle as couplings
- construction of transformer stations, switching installations e.g. constructive design, technical parameters, size
- design regulations, construction, station supplies
- first aid after electrical accidents
- basics and reading of grid plans, virtual switching operations on magnet boards
- switching of transformers with 0.4 kV winding
- switching of cables and overhead lines up to 30 kV
- Changing of high-voltage fuses in tranformation- and cable-leavings
- approval of electric power substations
- illustration of clear switching commands to avoid faulty circuits
- application of form, work permission and approval for work in installations >1 kV
- verification in transformer stations
- compliance with safety distance to high-voltage components
- switching operations according to overview-, grid- and circuit-diagrams
- avoiding of faulty circuits
- behaviour during disturbances
- causes which could lead to faulty circuit
- assessment of installation conditions
- fire prevention
- references
Practical Part:
- personal protection, suggestions for PPE in different installations
- instruction to the practice installations
- virtual switching operations with magnet boards
- error search of short-circuit and earth fault
- enabling of transfomers
- enabling of electric power substations
- HH-fuse change
- switching operations will be realised by switching commands
- realisation of switching actions at operating practice installations
- training program by team work
- practical test
- written test
- certification counts also as repeat training and yearly instruction
The training can be adapted according to your requirements, specification, grid plan, etc.
Switching practice:
We offer to the normal training an additional practice day in the direct connection to deepen the practical training.
Because of a great demand, we extended our training facility with many switching installations which can be real operated.